85% of breast enlargement problems in men have no obvious cause. 15% of the gynecomastia problem is caused by different reasons.
The causes of nipple growth and breast enlargement in men include cancer, endocrine and metabolic diseases, obesity, some traumas, viral infections, some medications, and genetic predispositions.
Irregularities in hormone levels also cause gynecomastia. Irregularities or imbalances in estrogen and testosterone hormones cause breast enlargement in men.
When the amount of testosterone in the man's body decreases due to environmental factors or naturally, and when the amount of estrogen increases, nipple growth or female-type breast enlargement can be seen in men.
Here are causes of gynecomastia;
Testosterone and estrogen control the sex characteristics in humans. Small amounts of estrogen hormone are also synthesized in men. When the testosterone/estrogen balance in men is disrupted and estrogen increases, gynecomastia can occur.
Gynecomastia in babies:
Breast enlargement can be seen in newborn babies, regardless of whether they are girls or boys. This is due to the hormones the baby receives from the mother. The breast can be lightly massaged. The enlarged breast tissue disappears on its own starting from the 3rd week after birth.
It is a common condition. 90% of this condition seen in male adolescents disappears within six months to two years.
Gynecomastia in adults:
The rate of occurrence increases in adults between the ages of 50-69. One in four men in this age group experience this problem.
Side effects or misuse of many medications can cause gynecomastia. These medications are;
Various health problems also cause gynecomastia.
Tumors in organs such as the testicles, adrenal glands, and pituitary glands.
Klinefelter syndrome or impaired testosterone production due to pituitary gland insufficiency.
Excessive secretion of thyroid hormone
Renal failure:
Hemodialysis patients
Liver failure and cirrhosis:
Liver problems cause hormone irregularities. Gynecomastia is seen in 67% of cirrhosis patients. Androstenedione converts to estrogen. High doses of spironolactone used in the treatment of cirrhosis also cause gynecomastia.
Testosterone production in the testicles decreases.
Rapid weight gain and obesity may result in decreased testosterone levels in the body.
When the body experiences extreme hunger, testosterone levels decrease. Continuing estrogen production during this time causes breast enlargement.
Some substances in shampoos, detergents, soaps or lotions can increase the amount of estrogen in the body and cause breast enlargement.
Breast enlargement in men is a common condition not only in adolescence but also in infancy and adulthood. Breast enlargement in infancy and adolescence is usually hormonal and disappears after a while.
Gynecomastia should be performed for breast enlargement seen in adults. The procedure can be applied in different ways. While liposuction is sufficient for some patients, it may be necessary to remove the excess skin with a surgical procedure in others.
Breast enlargement in boys is common in adolescence. Hormonal changes during the developmental period and excessive weight gain can cause gynaecomastia in boys. Breast enlargement in adolescent boys caused by hormone confusion during this period disappears spontaneously within 6 months and 2 years.
Breast enlargement in boys is a common condition during adolescence. This condition is usually caused by hormone irregularity in the body of the adolescent who is in the developmental maturation period.
Breast enlargement in adolescent boys usually resolves spontaneously within 6 months and 2 years. The breast tissue of the adolescent becomes like that of an adult male individual.
Gynaecomastia in adolescence can also be caused by excessive weight gain or drug use. In case of excessive weight gain, it should be ensured that the adolescent reaches his/her ideal weight.
Drugs should also be used under the control of the relevant doctors.
After turning 18, a plastic surgeon can be consulted for gynaecomastia procedure.
When breast enlargement problem occurs in boys, it is necessary to see an endocrinologist specialist doctor first.
If the individual still has the same problem when he/she turns 18, a plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialist should be consulted for gynaecomastia.
Two types of classification are made.
According to the structure of the growing tissue;
Glandular Type:
Mostly milk glands are enlarged.
Fatty Type:
There is a large increase in fat tissue. There is no increase in mammary gland tissue. It occurs as a result of excessive weight gain and loss.
Mixed Type:
In this type, both milk glands and fat tissue increase are observed.
According to the size of the breast and the condition of the skin;
Type 1:
Breast skin is normal. There is only some hardness under the nipple.
Type 2A:
There is no excess skin in the breast. Breast tissue is moderately enlarged.
Type 2B:
There is some excess skin in the breast. The breast is moderately enlarged. This type of breast enlargement skin may shrink and return to normal after surgery.
Type 3:
Here, the breast is as large as a woman's breast, there is excess skin. In this case, liposuction alone is not sufficient, excess skin should be removed surgically.
People in the following group are at risk of gynaecomastia;
You can complete your preparations by considering the list below on the day of breast augmentation surgery.
You may need to change the design of your home to have a healthy post-operative period before breast augmentation surgery.
It is forbidden to lift anything heavy from the floor or reach for anything high during the recovery process. Therefore, you should place all the products you may need after surgery in easily accessible places.
In order to support recovery during the post-operative home care process, you should ask for support from a relative who will accompany you or make an agreement with a healthcare professional for post-operative care.
You should have the corset that you need to wear after the surgery at home.
You should make sure that you have enough clothes that button and zipper in the front before the surgery so that you can easily change after breast augmentation surgery.
Eating healthy after the surgery helps your body recover and heal faster. You should have suitable foods at home for healthy nutrition. You should complete the preliminary preparations that will make it easier to prepare meals during the post-surgery nutrition process.
When you return home after the surgery, your bed should be at a height where you can sit and stand up comfortably.
In order to sleep comfortably after breast augmentation surgery, you should support your body with many pillows. You should have many pillows within easy reach.
By paying attention to all these, you should also complete the preparations before breast augmentation surgery at home. It would be right to create a suitable home environment for the recovery process and go for breast augmentation surgery.